Crystal Senter-Brown
2 min readJan 21, 2023


The spilled milk of friendship

When she threw her carton of milk at me, I knew it not going to be a good day. It was only 7 AM, and we were sitting in the kitchen area of the Girls, Inc. of Hamblen County. I was confused, because she was my best friend- why would she throw her milk at me? The next thing I knew we were rolling around on the ground fighting like WWE. We were 5.

The fight only lasted about a minute, and once I apologized, I gave her MY milk we were back playing under the tree in the back.

I realized this week that that was the only altercation I have ever had with a friend. Even when I have upset someone, or they have upset me, I have always been able to move past it very quickly. If I am wrong, I apologize and usually the other person receives it- we move on, and all is well.

But that is not how everyone processes being hurt. Some people need TIME to process. Space. Away from YOU and the situation. I know. Shocking.

I am sharing this because if you have hurt a close friend and they said they need time to process when you want to explain, honor that. Even if you are a: “Let’s fix it NOW!” person. Even if YOU feel you are not wrong at all. If you love them, and you want to continue to be able to love them, give them space. And If they never return to you to process it together? Honor. that as well. Put your own hurt feelings on the back burner, and think of your friend.

I pray you have a Saturday filled with all the things that make you smile.

Let’s Get Sentered.

