Crystal Senter-Brown
3 min readJan 4, 2023


Need to recharge? How about pre-charge?

We have all had our share of days where we are filling burned out.

Overdue deadlines, noisy offices, even job insecurity can make us feel like we are running on empty some days.

And usually when we get to the point of burnout, there is little we can do to turn it around quickly.

But what if you could put a buffer on yourself for your busier days? Something that would insulate you against things that stress you out?

In order to combat burnout, I have always practiced the art of pre-charging before a big event like writing a script or speaking. There are several ways I practice the art of pre-charging, which I will share with you now:

  1. Align: what are your values? What is important to you? Write it down. And only agree to take on obligations that align with what is most important to you. Don’t allow someone else’s emergency need dictate how you spend your time.

2. Say no: a lot of us were raised to help out where we can. But a lot of us are also nearing 50 so we have had a long time of helping out where we can. I declare this to be the year you decide to do things for yourself and the people closest to you. Help out where you can elsewhere, but absolutely say no to those offers that don’t make your heart sing. If it is not a HELL, yes! Then it is a firm no.

3. Reimagine Self care: I used to think I had to have cucumbers on my eyes and be sitting in a giant bathtub in order to truly call Myself practicing the art of self-care. But the reality is, for me self-care could be something as simple as packing my lunch the night before. Planning a walk during my lunchtime. Or scheduling a call with my favorite cousin. Self-care means taking care of yourself in the best way you can using what you have on hand. It could even be a cup of tea before you start your day.

This is the first January since 2020 where I have felt hopeful. While the virus is still out there, the world has reopened! And We can decide how we spend our time, and we can also decide who gets hour energy.

Try tips in the workplace! If you find that you are being handed assignments that have nothing to do with what you were hired to do, speak up! If it is only for a short time while a position

Is being filled, that is one thing. But if it is expected that you will be taking on this role permanently, ask how it aligns with what you were hired to do. And if it does not, ask what additional compensation they will be offering for your time.

Let’s Get Sentered

