Crystal Senter-Brown
3 min readJul 12, 2021


My BFF is a Monster (And I had no idea until now)

It was over 40 years ago, but I still remember the icing sticking to the roof of my mouth.

It was the perfect mixture of shredded coconut, powdered sugar, butter, and just a dab of McCormick blue food coloring.

Once assembled in a giant tattered, Tupperware bowl, the glorious blue mixture was whipped by hand by my mother.

“Is he gonna have a REAL COOKIE in his mouth?” I asked mama. When she nodded, I was overjoyed.

Later that day, mama sat the cake down in front of me.

I immediately took the cookie out of “Cookie’s” mouth and ate it. (I still remember my lips being blue for days after that.)

While many of my friends preferred big bird or even Oscar, I have always loved Cookie Monster because he reminded me of myself:

He loved cookies (same)

His hair was always wild and out of place (same)

He has a “special” way of speaking- referring to himself in the 3rd person. (Many people don’t know this but I have had a slight stutter since I was a little girl).

And when I think about it, Over the years, I had many items adorned with Cookie Monster’s face.

Metal lunchboxes that would pinch my fingers when I closed it, giant stuffed cookie monsters I won after at least 100 $1 carnival games. I even had Cookie’s face on T-shirts and pajamas.

Even as I entered my nonprofit career, I always had Cookie Monster front and center. I even won an office pumpkin decorating challenge by decorating my pumpkin like Cookie Monster!

(My entry is below)

Fast forward almost 43 years later and Cookie Monster is still part of my daily routine.

He is now on the front of the bag I carry when I visit my mother. The bag holds nail polish, cotton balls, etc.

(The bag I carry mom’s nail polish in)

For my new friends, my mother was diagnosed with a very rare form of Parkinson’s late last year called progressive supranuclear palsy, which affects her mobility and speech. It is heartbreaking! And while some of her memory is beginning to fade, she still recognizes Cookie Monster’s giant blue head and googly eyes. In fact, he makes her smile when I place my bag on the table to do her nails.

I have not asked her yet if she remembers making my birthday cake for my third birthday party but it made me smile to think about the monster that has been with me for my entire life, giving me a sense of comfort that goes all the way back to my childhood.

I pray our Gabby character is the same comfort for someone else!

Is there a character or image that brings you comfort?

