Photo by Denis Bayer on Unsplash

How dollhouse play helps to calm my anxious mind

Crystal Senter-Brown


Someone asked me the other day when I started building miniature spaces and I can pinpoint to the actual day: my mother was in the hospital at Baystate Health with Covid-19 pneumonia, and I knew it would probably be her last few weeks on earth. She died 3 weeks later.

We were still in the middle of a pandemic and the world was swirling around me. But the moment I’ve had those miniature pieces in my hand, my mind felt so calm! For those few hours, I felt in control again. While my own home fell into disarray, my miniature spaces were in pristine condition.

It has been two years since I started building those spaces and The world has reopened, but that anxious feeling I had two years ago is still there at times. So that is why I am intentional about spending time in my miniature spaces. This is time just for me!

I started sharing my spaces here online about a year ago, and received a few comments from people asking why? At first, I was a little offended. How could a hobby bother someone else?

But then I realized, those people may not have what I have! They may have to turn to substances or other bad behavior in order to feel better. I am able to calm myself using something I purchase on Amazon.

I am sharing this in case you are also in an anxious space right now. Maybe you are worried about the world overall, maybe you are facing a health diagnosis, maybe your child is acting up in school, maybe your relationship is falling apart. I pray you are able to find a hobby that is calming to your mind. One that won’t harm your body, one that will instead increase your mental capabilities, and bring a little beauty to the world.

Let’s Get Sentered: in finding hobbies that heal, not harm.

